How to Choose the Right Extension Cord for Your Power Tools [Infographic]
Jul 9th 2019
Do you know how to choose the right extension cord?
It's not as straightforward as you might think.
Treating a power tool right also includes supplying it with the right amount of power. For corded power tools, using an extension cord that doesn’t supply enough amperage could permanently damage the tool. Imagine the power tool is trying to suck too much energy out of a small straw. The problem comes from the extra effort required to get enough amperage.
You need to repair or replace power tools that get damaged, and that wastes time and money. Something as simple as using the proper extension cord can cut back the number of broken tools you have to deal with. The following infographic shows what type of extension cord is needed at different lengths for different types of power tools.
Keep in mind that attaching multiple tools to one cord (via a multi-outlet device) will use up more amperage, and possibly create an unsafe situation.
The type of extension cord you’re using is only one of many factors you should keep in mind to help your power tools last longer. Let us know any other lesser known tricks you know to keep your tools in top shape.