
Power Tools: Battery Maintenance

Jul 9th 2019

All power tools need one specific thing to work, and that’s power. If a power tool doesn’t connect to an outlet via a cord, then it needs a battery. Taking care of these batteries is an important part of power tool maintenance.

If a cordless power tool needs to run at optimum performance levels, then its battery needs to be treated right. Here are a few things that you need to focus on:

• Battery storage solutions

• Charging procedures

• Types of batteries


This infographic helps illustrate how to get the most out of your power tool batteries:


Battery-Upkeep-Infographic-PNG (2).png

There are plenty of reasons to maintain power tools; the least of which is reducing the need for power tool repair, or even the need to replace power tools. Battery maintenance is so important to this goal that it should be performed during all seasons.

Check out this webinar that covers all thing power tools!